Yesterday the UNHCR made the announcement that from now on only those refugees that accept the local integration will receive monthly payments from the UNHCR. The refugees, that are refusing the integration programme and are until now remaining in the Choucha Camp – which is the majority of the refugees-, will remain without the means to satisfy their basic needs such as food. This represents a serious risk to up to 300 persons. It is unclear how the situation will develope in the next days, because the Camp is supposed to close the 30th of June. Reports and Articles about the situation are urgently needed!
Follow the Protest
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Support the Protest!
Refugees in Choucha refugee-camp / Tunisia are protesting, aiming at scandalising their bad situation and urging the responsible UNHCR to listen to their demands.
The protesters are dependend on funding for groceries, to network with supporters and for publicity work, which would make the protest heard in a broader public. Your donations are very welcome to make the protest possible and to make it public. Also small amounts will help!Please direct your donations to the following bank account:
FFM Berlin
Sparkasse der Stadt Berlin
Account number: 61 00 24 264
Bank code: 100 500 00
Keyword: "Choucha"LINKS