Today, April 11th of 2013, on the solidarity day for Choucha the dutch refugees in protest from the Flichtchurch (Amsterdam) and Flighthouse (The Hague) came together. Both empty churches were occupied after several protest camps through the country in the last two years. The Flightchurch houses some 200 mainly subsaharan undocumented migrants who have no right for any facilities from the state. The Flighthouse houses some 40 rejected refugees mainly from (Kurdish) Irak.
Today representatives of both strongholds declare their solidarity with the Choucha refugees and their demands. They want to express their respect for the difficult struggle.
The refugees in the Netherlands discovered many similarities in their position and that of the Choucha people. Both have no rights, no facilities, no equal position in society and both cannot move. Both groups and All Included – who initiated the solidarity meeting – ask the UNHCR urgently not to leave the Choucha people behind. They also ask the dutch government to take responsability in reinstall some of the Choucha people and to find a solution for the impossible position of the undocumented migrants in the Netherlands.
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Refugees in Choucha refugee-camp / Tunisia are protesting, aiming at scandalising their bad situation and urging the responsible UNHCR to listen to their demands.
The protesters are dependend on funding for groceries, to network with supporters and for publicity work, which would make the protest heard in a broader public. Your donations are very welcome to make the protest possible and to make it public. Also small amounts will help!Please direct your donations to the following bank account:
FFM Berlin
Sparkasse der Stadt Berlin
Account number: 61 00 24 264
Bank code: 100 500 00
Keyword: "Choucha"LINKS